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#109 GAPP Collection IV

Writer's picture: shyeheyashyeheya

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

The latest GAPP round-up! Try these as they're released by joining the CTC fan discord, where you'll also get more puzzles from my co-setters Jovi_al, Tyrgannus, Freddie Hand and Eric Fox. Puzzle 1 - Crystal Mine Draw a non-intersecting path through the centers of some cells connecting the two arrows. The path must collect every crystal, but must not occupy all four cells in any 2x2 area of the grid Solve on Penpa+

Puzzle 2 - SUPERSIZED Yosenabe Move some circles so that every grey region contains at least one circle. Each circle must end up inside a grey region. A circle may move only in one straight line vertically or horizontally. Circles’ paths may not cross each other, other circles, or other circles’ starting points. If a grey region contains a clue, it represents the sum of the numbers in the circles which end up in that region Solve on Puzz.Link

Puzzle 3 - Chained Block Shade some cells such that each connected group of shaded cells contains exactly one clue. Clues must be shaded, and indicate the size of their group of shaded cells. Each group of shaded cells must be connected by a corner to at least one other, forming networks. Two shaded groups belonging to the same network may not have the same shape and size, counting rotations and reflections as the same Solve on Pzprxs (Puzz.Link Fork)

Puzzle 4 - Taj Mahal Draw straight lines connecting pairs of grid points to form squares (allowing non-orthogonal lines). Squares may only touch at the corners, and all squares must form one connected network. Circles mark the centers of all squares drawn in the grid. A number in a circle represents how many other squares its square shares a corner with Solve on Penpa+


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