Here's my latest batch of approachable puzzles! If you want more like this, as always be sure to check out the CTC fan discord for daily puzzles from myself and the team, Jovi_al, Tyrgannus, Freddie Hand and Eric Fox Puzzle 1 - Slant (a.k.a. Gokigen Naname) Place a diagonal line into each cell, connecting two opposite corners, such that no loops are formed by the diagonal lines. A clue in a circle indicates how many lines are extending from that circle
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Puzzle 2 - Scrin Shade some cells so that each orthogonally connected area of shaded cells is in the shape of a rectangle. The shaded rectangles must all form a single loop through diagonal connections, with no branches. All cells with circles must be shaded, (and must belong to different shaded rectangles,) and if a circle contains a number, its shaded rectangle must contain the indicated number of cells
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Puzzle 3 - Nanro Place a number into some cells so that all cells with numbers form one orthogonally connected area. Each region must contain at least one numbered cell, and every number in the region must be equal to how many numbered cells the region contains. Two cells containing the same number may not share a region border. No 2x2 region may be entirely numbered
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Puzzle 4 - SUPERSIZED Kurochute Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and mean that there must exist exactly one shaded cell with the indicated distance in a straight line vertically or horizontally from the clue
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