GAPP stands for Genuinely Approachable Pencil Puzzles, if you're new to these then you've come to the right place! They're designed to be achievable regardless of experience level, although there may still be trace amounts of thinking involved of course, they are puzzles after all. If you'd like more of these, join the CTC fan discord below, we have a channel for the daily GAPP's posted by myself, Jovi_al, Tyrgannus, Freddie Hand and Eric Fox!
CTC Fan Server:
Puzzle 1 - Stardust Place circles into some cells. Circles cannot be placed in cells containing stars. Every star must be contained within the 3x3 area surrounding a circle. Circles’ surrounding 3x3 areas may not overlap one another
Solve on Penpa+
Puzzle 2 - Ququ Shade some triangles such that each edge-connected group of unshaded triangles has exactly one clue. Clues cannot be shaded, and indicate the total unshaded triangles in its group. No two groups of edge-connected shaded cells that meet at a corner may be the same shape (counting rotations and reflections as the same)
Solve on Pzprxs
Puzzle 3 - Castle Wall Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some cells. The loop may not enter outlined cells; Outlined white cells must lie inside the loop, while outlined black cells must lie outside the loop. Grey cells may either be inside or outside the loop. A number represents the sum of the lengths of loop segments in the indicated direction
Solve on Puzz.Link
Puzzle 4 - Coffee Milk Connect pairs of circles horizontally or vertically forming connected networks. All circles must be part of a network. Connections may not cross one another. White circles and black circles may not be directly connected to one another. Each connected network of circles must have the same number of white circles as it has black circles, and must have exactly one grey circle
Solve on Pzprxs
Puzzle 5 - SUPERSIZED Shimaguni Shade a single group of orthogonally connected cells in each region. Shaded groups may not share a bold border. Regions with numbers must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. Each region must contain at least one shaded cell, and no two adjacent regions may contain the same number of shaded cells
Solve on Puzz.Link