There's been a cute little event Clover has started up in the CTC discord where you make some puzzles for the people you're appreciative of/thankful for. It's along the lines of Thanksgiving, which although I don't celebrate that where I live, it was nice to get into this puzzle-giving spirit. I only made a few which I had the time for, next year I might try and up my game, who knows!
Note: the Sudoku is harder than the others by a fair margin Slitherlink for Bakpao Connect some pairs of orthogonally adjacent dots to form a single non-intersecting loop. Clues represent the number of edges drawn surrounding the clue (up to four)
Solve on Puzz.Link
Kakuro for Clover
Place a number from 1 to 9 into each empty cell so that no number is repeated in any unobstructed horizontal or vertical line. A clue on the bottom of a blocked cell represents the sum of the numbers in the vertical line below it. A clue on the right side of a blocked cell represents the sum of the numbers in the horizontal line to its right. Clues cannot see numbers through other blocked cells
Solve on Puzz.Link
Sudoku for Jovi_al Each row, column, and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9
Solve on F-Puzzles