GAPP stands for Genuinely Approachable Pencil Puzzles, it's a series I'm a part of in the CTC discord server. Every day one of either myself, Jovi, Mender, Freddie or Walker posts a puzzle (and example) intended to be manageable for someone who has never tried it before! We cover a lot of different genres and do our best to make it a fun experience, and part of that comes in the intros. For the past few months I've been writing a story, and recently Jovi stumbled into the plot! If this at all interests you, I recommend joining the server using the link below
CTC community:
Puzzle 1 - SUPERSIZED Light & Shadow Fill all cells a color, some black and some white, so that each orthogonally connected area of similarly colored cells contains exactly one clue, which represents the size of the area of black or white cells it belongs to Solve on Puzz.Link
Puzzle 2 - Borderland Connect some pairs of orthogonally adjacent gridpoints to draw a non-intersecting path from one of the larger points to the other. Bold borders cannot be part of the path. The path and the borders together must divide the grid into regions, which may not include any dead-end lines. Each region must contain exactly one house Solve on Penpa+
Puzzle 3 - Sukoro Place a number into some cells so that all cells with numbers form one orthogonally connected area. Numbers represent how many of the (up to) four orthogonally adjacent cells contain numbers. No two orthogonally adjacent cells may contain the same number Solve on Puzz.Link
Puzzle 4 - Guide Arrow Shade some empty cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. No complete loop of cells may be unshaded (including 2x2s). An arrow indicates the only direction in which one could begin a path to the star without going through a shaded cell or backtracking Solve on Puzz.Link
Puzzle 5 - Aqre Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Regions with numbers must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. There may not exist a run of more than three consecutive shaded or unshaded cells horizontally or vertically anywhere in the grid Solve on Puzz.Link